7 Popular Cycling Trails in Japan


Bamboo Forrest Arashiyama (Mariamichelle via pixabay)

Japan is an awesome country with tons of natural and man-made attractions that are bound to keep everyone engaged for a long time. If you would like to indulge in some thrilling cycling in different parts of the country, it is crucial for you to know some of the popular cycling trails that Japan has to offer.

Let’s check the following 7 popular cycling trails in Japan:

Tour De Noto

Tour De Noto is undoubtedly an amazing trail with tons of aesthetic seascapes and countryside that are found around Ishikawa Prefecture. With this route, you will journey around Kanazawa City till you reach Toyama City. You are likely going to find other riders as they ride along this trail. Jrpass.com also suggests this trial.

Kamakura Seaside Trail


Image by LazarCatt from Pixabay

If you are looking for a traditional Japanese cycling experience, the Kamakura Seaside trail is the place to be. This trail takes you through different places including Kamakura, Yuigahama Beach, Kamakura Daibutsu, and Myohonji Temple. Enjoy exceptional ocean views as you have fun on your bike.


Northern Kyushu

If you prefer cycling along less frequented trails, Northern Kyushu is perhaps one of the best places for you to consider, according to cyclscope.net. As you cycle along this trail, you will get to areas such as Usa and Beppu. What’s more, there are several attractions along the way, so be prepared for breathtaking sights ahead. You may want to visit the Usa shrine, the Eight Hells of Beppu, and other monuments around this trail.

Mount Yotei trail


Image by Felix Ngai from Pixabay

Mount Yotei trail covers the base of Mount Yotei, which is known to be around 55 kilometers long. In general, you will have to spend more than 3 hours before finishing this whole trail. Of course, you don’t have to finish the trail if you don’t feel like doing so. The views of this picture-perfect trail are further beautified by breathtaking mountains, rice fields, and flowers.

Shimanami Kaido

Covering a total of about 70 kilometers, this trail goes all the way from Hiroshima Prefecture to Shikoku Island. Overall, you will cross as much as 6 islands before reaching the end of the trip. This trail features a well-connected network of different bridges and roads that makes it easy for both pedestrians and cyclists to enjoy their move around the place.

Mount Fuji trails


Image by Armin Forster from Pixabay

Generally, Mount Fuji is a popular destination that many tourists appreciate as they travel via Japanese bullet trains. However, if you are a cyclist, Fuji has amazing trails that you don’t want to miss. This trail covers Yamanakako, which is a 14-kilometer trail. On your way, you will see different cafés, parks, and lots more.

Asuka countryside trail

Asuka countryside is perhaps the best and most eye-catching trail in Nara, which is a popular tourist location. Asuka countryside trail is the hub for most endearing cyclists as it covers a long distance that is filled with wild deer, flowers, rice fields, shrines, temples, etc. 

Now, you know the 7 popular trails in Japan which are perfect for exploring the country on a bike. Bring your bike with you to Japan (according to biketestreviews.com a gravel bike would be the best option) and start exploring this amazing country.

Whenever you want to cycle, choose any of these trails, and have some adrenaline-pumping fun. 

image credit: Mariamichelle